SoCal Spine and Sport Gets You Up and Running Again

Don't Let Foot & Ankle Pain Trip Up Your Lifestyle

When it comes to an injury to your foot or ankle, you quickly realize how important it is to be pain-free just to be able to walk. You also know that the more you try and wait it out the worse it gets because you are always using them. The Physicians at SoCal Spine understand how critical it is to get you pain-free and up and going again. Having full, pain-free use of your feet and ankles will get you back the quality of life you deserve.

Dr. Richard Paicius, MD

Pain-Free Mobility, Full Recovery

SCSS - Foot Ankle Pain

Southern California Spine & Sport have been helping southern Californians get back on their feet for years. It starts with the proper diagnosis so that we can determine the best course of treatment for your condition. Our treatment procedures include the latest breakthrough therapies for strains, sprains, fractures, and inflammation. If you are suffering from arthritis, nerve damage, and plantar facetious, our doctors will make sure that you get therapy to best help you recover from your current condition. Below are some more foot and ankle conditions that we treat:

Diagnose, Treat, Get You Back on Your Feet

At SoCal Spine and Sport, your diagnosis sets the treatment path that is individual to you. No two diagnoses are the same and you will come to understand how important your full recovery is to our team. We have a full array of the latest evidence-based therapies and procedures ready to help you get back on your feet quickly and pain-free, in fact, we have helped pioneer many of these breakthrough treatments through our research and clinical trials.